Inga Leonova
The Wheel Journal

Inga Leonova is a cofounder and editor-in-chief of “The Wheel”, a quarterly journal of Orthodox theology and culture. She is also a practicing architect, writer, and educator. Her academic interests focus on theology of sacred space, as well as Christian anthropology and human stewardship of the environment. In 2023, she co-organized an international conference at Fordham University on contemporary Orthodox architecture “The Shape of the Sacred,” the first of its kind in North America. She taught a course on Monotheism, Culture, and Sacred Space at Boston Architectural College, and serves as a thesis advisor at the New England School of Art and Design. Her articles and essays on Orthodoxy and cultural issues, including liturgical architecture, ecology, and challenges of contemporary life have appeared in books as well as print and online publications. She currently serves on the Steering Committee of the OTSA project “Orthodox Christians in Dialogue with the Jews.”