Thomas Nemeth
Studies in East European Thought

Thomas Nemeth holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Louvain in Belgium, after which he spent a year at the University of Melbourne, Australia as a post-doctoral fellow. He has written numerous articles on 19th and 20th Century Russian philosophy. He has published a two-volume study of the philosophical writings of Vladimir Solov'ëv and a critical translation of Solov'ëv's chief work Justification of the Moral Good. He recently published a large study of Russian neo-Kantianism and one on Kant in Imperial Russia. His background in Husserlian phenomenology led to his translation of Gustav Shpet’s 1914 treatise Appearance and Sense and another volume of translations, containing principally Shpet's pioneering venture Hermeneutics and Its Problems. Nemeth has contributed entries on Russian neo-Kantianism and specific Russian philosophical figures to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy and on Solov’ëv, Shpet and the history of Russian philosophy to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Nemeth is presently an associate editor of Studies in East European Thought and on the International Advisory Board of Solovyov Studies.
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