Thomas Allan Smith
University of Toronto

Educated at the University of Toronto and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, T. Allan Smith taught church history for twenty-two years at the Faculty of Theology, University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, and served as Registrar of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies for fourteen years. His teaching focused on Origen of Alexandria, early monasticism and Eastern Christian history and thought. Two foci of his research are Iosif of Volokolamsk and S. N. Bulgakov. He is an occasional lecturer in Medieval Russian Literature and nineteenth-century Russian Thought for the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, where he also offers a course on Old Church Slavonic. As a Slavist and a theologian, he endeavors to bring both disciplines into fruitful dialogue in his scholarship. He is an ordained member of the Congregation of Priests of St. Basil.
View Articles:
Divine economy and repentance in Discourse 4 of The Enlightener by Iosif Volotskii
Sergii Bulgakov’s ‘Sofiologiia smerti’
In the Afterglow of the Russian Silver Age: Sergii Bulgakov's "Judas Iscariot–Apostle–Betrayer"