Sławomir Mazurek
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Sławomir Mazurek was born in Warsaw in 1960. He graduated from the Department of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw in 1985. Since the beginning of his academic career - first as a PhD student and later as a researcher - he has been affiliated at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, where he is now an associate professor. For several years he was the head in the Department of the History of the Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. His main research areas are: history of philosophy (especially Polish and Russian Philosophy), philosophy of history, philosophy of culture, ethics. His main works include: Wątki katastroficzne w myśli rosyjskiej i polskiej 1917-1950 (Catastrophical Themes in Russian and Polish Thought 1917 -1950) [1997], Utopia i łaska. Idea rewolucji moralnej w rosyjskiej filozofii religijnej (Utopia and Grace. The Idea of Moral Revolution in Russian Religious Thought) [2006], Rosyjski renesans religijno-filozoficzny. Próba syntezy (Russian Philosophical-Religious Renaissance. An Attempt at a Synthesi) [2008], Samoograniczający się katast rofizm i inne szkice o myśli rosyjskiej (Self-Limiting Catastrophism and Other Sketches about Russian Thought) [2020].