Priscila Nascimento Marques
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Priscila Nascimento Marques is a translator, researcher and professor of Russian at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Presbyterian University Mackenzie, a Master and a PhD in Russian Literature and Culture from University of São Paulo. She has conducted a postdoctoral investigation at the University of São Paulo with a research period at the Freie University Berlin. Her main research interests are Vygotsky’s early work and psychology of art within a cultural- historical perspective. She has translated into Portuguese extensive material from Vygotsky’s early writings, most of them unknown in any foreign language. She has also translated other theoretical and literary works, such as Dostoevsky, Krupskaya, among others.
View Articles:
A Compaixão como Virtude e como Fardo: Anotações sobre o Par Sônia e Raskólnikov, de Crime e Castigo
Dostoiévski e a Psicologia: o escritor como leitor e objeto da ciência da mente
O dândi vaidoso de Uma história desagradável, de Dostoiévski: aspectos poéticos e tradutórios