Lisa Holsberg
Fordham University

Dr. Lisa Radakovich Holsberg completed her Ph.D. in historical theology at Fordham University, defending her dissertation, “Creative Act: Nikolai Berdyaev and the Spiritual and Intellectual World of a Russian Philosopher in Exile, 1922-1948,” in 2021. She earned her M.A. in systematic theology at The Union Theological Seminary in New York City, writing her thesis on beauty, affliction, and the love of God in Simone Weil. Dr. Holsberg teaches in the Department of Theology at Fordham University. She also holds degrees in music from Teachers College, Columbia University and University of California, Irvine, and has served on the music faculties of Long Island University, Alliance University, Songfest, The Diller-Quaile School of Music, and others. Dr. Holsberg is Co-Director of Community Voices Choir in New York City, and her 9/11 music peace project Race for the Sky is found at
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Decreation and the Creative Act: Simone Weil and NIkolai Berdyaev