Giorgia Rimondi
Siena University for Foreigners

Giorgia Rimondi graduated in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Milan and in Modern Languages and Cultures/Russian language and literature (University of Parma). She obtained a PhD in Slavistics (University of Parma/IMLI RAN of Moscow, with a doctoral thesis on A.F. Losev’s philosophy of music) and in teaching Russian as a foreign language at Moscow State Pedagogical University (kandidat pedagogiceskich nauk).
She was a Research Fellow of the Moscow Institute for Advanced Studies and Visiting Professor at SPbPU, where she taught a course in Russian philosophy (2021). Member of the Losevian commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences and author of a monograph on the philosophical foundations of A. Losev’s literary prose (Filosofskie i mirovozzrencheskie osnovy chudozhestvennoi prozy A.F. Loseva, Moscow, Vodoley 2019), since 2018 she has been collaborating with the Losev centre of Russian language and culture based in MSPU (Moscow).
Currently she is a researcher at the Department of Human Studies of the University for foreigners of Siena, where she teaches the courses of History of Russian culture and Russian Language and Translation.
Her research interests include Russian philosophical thought of the beginning of the XX century, the legacy of Aleksey Losev’s thought, the interactions between philosophy and literature. She is a member of the Italian association of Slavists (AIS) and translator into Italian of works by Berdyaev and Losev.
View Articles:
Dignità Del Cristianesimo e Indegnità Dei Cristiani
Time As Image of Eternity: A.F. Losev's Criticism of Subjectivist Conceptions of Time
The Relationship Between S.L. Frank's and A.F. Losev's Ontognoseological Positions
Елена Тахо-Годи, Джорджия Римонди