Anne Eakin Moss
The University of Chicago

Anne Eakin Moss is Assistant Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago. Her research and teaching interests include Russophone intellectual history, gender theory, philosophy of community, and philosophy of aesthetics. Her first book, Only Among Women: Philosophies of Community in the Russian Imagination, 1860-1940 (Northwestern UP, 2020), engages with the ways in which gender shapes notions of community in Russian literature and intellectual history, in dialogue as well with French and German philosophy. She is currently completing a book entitled The Special Effects of Soviet Wonder, which examines the cinematic technologies, theories, and practices developed by Soviet filmmakers in dialogue with ongoing debates about Marxist-Leninist aesthetics and immediate political demands, as well as their aspirations for expanding the possibilities of cinema as a medium.
Cinema as Spiritual Exercise: Tarkovsky and Hadot