Amy Singleton Adams
College of the Holy Cross

Amy Singleton Adams (Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison) is a professor of Russian Studies at the College of the Holy Cross is Worcester, Massachusetts. She is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Icon Studies at the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton, Massachusetts. Her research focuses on a broad and interdisciplinary understanding of the sacred in Russian culture, biblical and religious imagery in literature, and the non-ecclesiastical uses of Orthodox icons in Russian literature and society. She is the author of Noplace Like Home: The Literary Artist and Russia’s Search for Cultural Identity (SUNY Press, 1997) and co-editor and contributor of Framing Mary: The Mother of God in Modern, Revolutionary, and Post-Soviet Russia (Northern Illinois University Press, 2018). Her current work explores the distinct spiritual character of narrative traditions in Siberia.
View Articles
Learning to Look: The Meaning of the Unseen Icon in Dostoevsky’s The Idiot
At Every Time and in Every Place: The Mother of God in Modern Russian Culture
Not by Bread Alone: Maxim Gorky's Sacramental Metaphors
The Woman at the Window. Gorky’s Revolutionary Madonna
War and Peace: Orthodox Icons and Putin’s Politics of the Sacred
The Blood of Children: Petrushevskaia’s “Our Crowd and the Russian Easter Tale