Vladimir Keidan
Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

Dr. Vladimir Keidan, a prominent philologist-archivist, has for many years been engaged in archival research pertaining to the personal documents (e.g., letters and diaries) of participants in the religious, philosophical and social movements of Russia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His research has been published in a major four-volume anthology: Взыскующие Града. Хроника русских литературных, религиозно-философских и общественно-политических движений в частных письмах и дневниках их участников, 1829–1923 гг. Since 1990, he has lived in Italy. From 1992 to 2015 he taught Russian literature and history at the University of Sassari (Sardinia) and Carlo Bo University (Urbino).