Janusz Dobieszewski
University of Warsaw

Janusz Dobieszewski (1955), Full Professor at University of Warsaw. He teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy, focusing on history of philosophy, social philosophy and the philosophy of religion. His field of expertise is Russian philosophy. Main works: "Włodzimierz Sołowjow. Studium osobowości filozoficznej" ("Vladimir Solovyev. A Philosophical Personality Study", 2002), "Absolut i historia. W kręgu myśli rosyjskiej" ("Absolut and History. In the Circle of Russian Thought", 2013), "Syntezy i niuanse. Studia i szkice z filozofii rosyjskiej" ("Synthesis and Nuances. Studies and Sketches from Russian Philosophy", 2019), "Inność jako wartość. Studia i szkice z filozofii kultury i okolic" ("Otherness as a Value. Studies and Sketches in the Philosophy of Culture and the Surrounding Area", 2020); "Filozofia religii. Wykład" ("Philosophy of Religion. A Discourse", 2022).
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Petr Chaadaev and The Rise Of Modern Russian Philosophy
The Revolutionary Nature Of The Russian Revolution
Neoplatonic Tendencies In Russian Philosophy