Henrieke Stahl
University of Trier, Germany

Henrieke Stahl is a Professor for Slavic Literatures, School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of Trier
Since October 2017: Project Director and Speaker of DFG-Kolleg Research Group (FOR 2603) at the University of Trier. First stage until September 2021.
Since 2014: Co-opted Member of the Faculty of Humanities at Saarland University
Since 1st November 2003: Senior Professor (C 3) for Russian and Polish Literature, School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of Trier
1st September 2001 – 31. October 2003: Assistant Professor (C 1) at the Chair for Slavic Literature (Prof. Dr. U. Heftrich), Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
14th December 2000: Ph.D. Doctoral Thesis on ‘Renaissance des Rosenkreuzertums. Initiation in Andrej Belyjs Romanen “Serebrjanyj golub’” und “Peterburg”’. [The Renaissance of Rosicrucianism. Initiation in Andrej Belyj‘s Novels “Serebrjanyj golub’” and “Peterburg”]. (Grade: ‘summa cum laude‘)
1st April 1996 – 31st August 2001: Lecturer for Slavic Literatures at the Chair for Slavic Philology (Prof. Gerhard Ressel), School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of Trier
25th March 1996: M.A. Master’s Thesis on: “Ästhetische Prinzipien und Stilverfahren im literarischen Werk des späten Andrej Belyj“. [Aesthetic Principles and Style Methods in the Late Literary Work of Andrej Belyj] (Grade: first-class honors)