Elizabeth Blake
Saint Louis University

Elizabeth A. Blake is Coordinator and Associate Professor of Russian at Saint Louis University and author of the monograph Dostoevsky and the Catholic Underground (2013) as well as of a collection of annotated translations, Travels from Dostoevsky's Siberia (2019). Her articles have appeared in edited collections, Slavic and East European Journal, Polish Review, and Dostoevsky Studies and focus on nineteenth-century Polish literature and Dostoevsky or Tolstoy studies as they often explore the dialogue of literary works with Christian traditions, especially Roman Catholicism, Russian Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. She is currently working on two monographs– Dostoevsky, the Siberian that traces the impact of confinement on his creative process (expected completion 2025) and The Faithful Reading Dostoevsky that investigates the author's appeal to a Christian readership.