Daniela Steila
University of Turin

Daniela Steila is Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Turin (Italy). Her scholarly research and writing have focused on Russian philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries (particularly Russian Marxism and materialism, P. Ia. Chaadaev, S. L. Vygotskii, M. K. Mamardashvili, A. A. Zinov’ev), the reception of Western European philosophical traditions in the Russian and Soviet context (empiriocriticism, Spinoza, Kant, pragmatism), the history of Italian studies on Russian thought (particularly the work of Franco Venturi and Giovanni Mastroianni), and the traditions of philosophical historiography in Russia and USSR. She has studied in Turin, Leningrad/St. Petersburg, Florence, and Paris, and has been visiting fellow of the Aleksanteri Institute (Helsinki) in 2010 and 2015, and research affiliate at the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2021. Her books include Genesis and Development of Plekhanov’s Theory of Knowledge (Dordrecht-Boston 1991), Vita/Morte (Bologna 2009), Nauka i revoljucija. Recepcija empiriokriticizma v russkoj kul’ture (1877-1910) (Moscow 2013), and Gor’kij-Bogdanov e la scuola di Capri. Una corrispondenza inedita (1908-1911), together with Jutta Scherrer (Rome 2017). Her most recent articles are “Russia Abroad: 100 Years After the ‘Philosophical Steamer’” (https://dx.doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2022-26-1-7-14) and “Interpretations of Spinoza in Early Russian Marxism” (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11212-021-09410-9). She is currently working on a general history of Russian thought in Italian.
View Articles:
The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought
Interpretations of Spinoza in early Russian Marxism
Philosophical Thought In Russia In The Second Half of The 20th Century