Bruno Gomide
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Bruno Gomide is Associate Professor of Russian Literature at the University of S. Paulo, Brazil. He is a researcher of the CNPq (National Council for Scientific Research), and the coordinator of the Russian Literature working group at the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature. He has held visiting scholarships or fellowships at the Gorky Institute of World Literature, Pushkinskii Dom, Harvard, UC Berkeley, Ibero-American Institute (Berlin), Glasgow University, Queen Mary College (London), and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. He has published and edited, among other works, Dostoiévski na Rua do Ouvidor: a literatura russa no Estado Novo (1937-1945) [Dostoevsky on Ouvidor Street: Russian literature and the Estado Novo] (Edusp, 2017); Da estepe à caatinga: o romance russo no Brasil, 1887-1936 [From the steppe to the "caatinga": the Russian novel in Brazil] (Edusp, 2011); Antologia do pensamento crítico russo [Anthology of Russian thought] (ed. 34, 2013). He is currently working on an intellectual biography of Boris Schnaiderman.