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Pedro Augusto Pinto

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Pedro Augusto Pinto is a PhD candidate in Cultural and Literary Studies and Master in Russian Literature and Culture by the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) (2020), with an exchange period at the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2018), graduated and licensed in History by the same university (2017) with exchange periods at the Moscow State University (Russia, 2012) and St. Mary’s University College (London, UK, 2014). His central interests and field of research are Russian Romanticism, particularly the works of Mikhail Lermontov in its ethical aspects, relations between Philosophy, Literature and Society in Russia in the early 19th century, as well as the reception of Western European Romanticism in Russia at the same period.

View Articles:

O modelo heurístico orgânico na obra de F. W. J. Schelling e sua recepção na Rússia do início do século XIX

O problema da subjetividade na lírica de M. I. Lérmontov Apontamentos para uma investigação no âmbito da História da Cultura

Bryon e o Byronismo no centro da Episteme moderna

“Borodinó”, de Mikhail Iúrevitch Lérmontov Tradução Poética e Comentário